Blue Lotus absolute oil

Blue Lotus Absolute Oil

Regular Price:$22.60 Sale Price:$16.50 Qty:5ml
Lavender oil

Lavender Oil

Regular Price:$21.92 Sale Price:$16.00 Qty:100ml

Archive for the ‘Floral Absolute Oils’ Category

Experience the Feeling of Tranquility With Pleasing Aroma Of Blue Lotus Absolute!

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014

Blue Lotus absolute oil

Tranquility of mind and soul totally depends upon the sanctity of an environment. But in this fast-paced world, it is really hard to find a peaceful environment to achieve peaceful state of mind and serenity. Therefore our company, brings forth a wide range of therapeutic-grade natural fragrances to make an environment completely serene around you.

Our natural blue lotus absolute oil is an aromatic gift of nature that effectively infuses a feeling of euphoria and tranquility. We serve premium quality absolute that one can easily avail from our online store at the most realistic prices.

Blue Lotus Absolute Oil is a right choice for those who wish to enjoy the sanctity of nature in their living.  Before explaining various aromatic benefits of this oil, read through to understand what actually blue lotus absolute is. This absolute oil is extensively extracted from the scared flowers of blue lotus with the help of solvent extraction method.

As compared to other absolutes, it is exotic amongst the range as it takes around 3 tons of blue lotus flowers to extract a kilo of this mesmerizing absolute. Since ancient times, Egyptians considered blue lotus absolute extremely sacred and worshipped it as a visionary plant. It has rich aroma that leaves soothing effects on the mind, body as well as soul to bring a feeling of euphoria and tranquility.

What Are the Benefits of Blue Lotus Absolute Oil?


This absolute is extensively used in aromatherapy treatments to provide rejuvenating and refreshing effects to the mind and body.  It is exclusively mixed with other carrier oils and broadly used in massages to offer relief in mental stress, migraine, anxiety and other nervous-related distresses.


Pure absolute of blue lotus is extensively used to enhance the sanctity and tranquility in the environment. It is broadly used in homes and temples to offer prayers to the god. Its unique aroma awakens a spiritual feeing and improves concentration for mediation.


The Absolute Oil of blue lotus is enriched with the amazing aphrodisiac properties which are used to enhance sexual desire and helpful for treating various sex-related ailments including erectile dysfunctions, short-term impotency, lack of sexual desire, etc.

Posted in Floral Absolute Oils, Natural Essential Oils | No Comments »

Sooth your life with the aroma of natural oil

Monday, July 1st, 2013

Lavender oil

Are you searching for natural remedies for depression? Then magical oil of lavender can be a good option for you due to its amazing ant depression properties. The purest form of oil lavender oil is derived from the flowers and prepared through the complex method steam distillation. In the ancient time, this oil is used for royal bath because of its rejuvenating and calming aroma. In past 2500 years ago, Egyptians used this wonderful herb in mummification and healing the wounds in battle fields.   The name of this oil is derived from Latin word “lavera” and originated from the place of Mediterranean region. This oil comprises numerous chemical compositions which are cis-ocimene, caryophyllene, trans-ocimene, cis-ocimene, and limonene and may more. You can blend it with clary sage, cedar wood, geranium nutmeg and all kindof citrus to experience its excellent results.  The demand of lavender oil is rapidly increasing in all over the world due to its innumerable medical and therapeutic properties.

Enormous benefits of using lavender oil


According to the studies, it was found that this oil is very effective in relaxing the brain waves and helpful for those patients who are suffering from the insomnia problem. It is widely used in treating the problems like mental stress, depression, headaches, anxiety and many more.

Resolve Digestion issues:

It works very well in treating all type of stomach and digestion disorders. This oil stimulates bile secretion in your digestive tract which soothes your digestive system and encourages it to digest fat easily. Furthermore, this oil also treats the gastric and bowel problems.

Remedy for skin aliments:

  This oil is helpful in solving the skin related problems like eczema, itchy, acne, dry skin and other skin irritation. You can massage your skin with this wonderful oil and get the supple and smooth skin. It also gives positive results in reducing the stretch marks and scars.

Aroma therapy:

As we know that it is having a very calm aroma therefore number of manufactures uses it in making of quality perfumes which is used for aromatherapy. It is widely used in spa for massages to get relief from the stress and revitalizing your body.

Respiratory disorder:

It plays a significant role in treating the respiratory issues like whooping, asthma, cough and throat infections. It acts as an excellent tonic which regulates your blood circulation and helpful in stimulating your blood pressure level.

Experience the unlimited benefits of pure oil of lavender to enjoy the stress free happy life. We are one of the leading suppliers of pure quality of natural oils and set a benchmark in providing the remarkable customer satisfaction services. We offer the easy and safe next door shipping services at very realistic prices.

Posted in Aromatherapy Essential Oils, Base Oils, Floral Absolute Oils, Massage and Spa Oils, Natural Essential Oils | No Comments »